It's 4.20 somewhere
We got this man! We got this by the ass!
Here and there
Coney Island Community College
Where the Buffalo Roam
Joined on 8/15/15
Posted by Arzonaut - July 27th, 2021
Yo! Now for a limited run, I'll be selling my prints online. This is a test run to see how business does, hopefully if it does well I can sell more prints in the future. As of now, I kept the selection simple offering something for everyone I think.
(Special thanks to @kazukoto for helping me set up the whole store and my prints lol)
All prints will go for $10 (plus $5 shipping and handling) and I'll prepare the prints and ship them directly upon purchase.
Prints are 11x17 inches and come with a quarter inch white border. Click below!
Exclusive revamped designs!
Check out this sweet thumbnail art Snackers did!
In other news, I recently just finished a game jam with my boys @snackers @jack @carmet @nerostratos and voice help from @cCuntu
It was a hell of a lot of a fun since I always wanted to work on a game again since Paristroyer, and for 9 days I think we did what we set out to achieve.
This game was made for the Newgrounds July Game Jam for 2021, hosted by @figburn
Check it out and play it for yourself!
Lastly, if you haven't checked it out yet. I recently worked for Meatcanyon on this video for his second channel. I forgot to post about it here so I figured I do it now. It was a lot of fun to work on and to work with @meatcanyon himself. I did most of the animation aside from lip sync and it was done it just under 2 weeks! Learned a lot too, especially for cranking out cartoons on the fast. I've done freelance animation before, but this felt like my first real job in it. Hopefully I can work on something like this again.
As for other Projects, I'll be focusing on my own animations again for a bit. I have some small animations I wanna get done before the end of the month. I also have one cartoon I've been sitting on for quite a while, and it needs to get wrapped up because I HATE scrapping projects. When the number of unfinished projects outweigh your finished ones, starts to eat at you.
I'm sure you can guess...
That's it for me, see you next update. MERCH SHILL MERCH SHILL SELL OUT SELL OUT
Posted by Arzonaut - July 6th, 2021
She's lookin at me bros...
I found the voice actress for Asuka, that was fast.
So this is gonna be a short news post just to say happy birthday to Newgrounds! Kinda confusing cuz I always thought Pico Day was Newgrounds birthday, but it isn't it's more so a day celebrating Newgrounds. But, I guess it's also Tom's birthday? but it isn't that either since it's a couple days off. I don't fuckin know, who cares Happy whatever Day for Newgrounds.
Also, Thanks for 6k fans! For me, it's small milestones like that that keep me going. In this social media world, numbers and bullshit are all just noise that distract a creator. 100k fans or 100 fans shouldn't make a difference to your output. But it's still great to see so many people like my work.
Posted by Arzonaut - September 25th, 2020
Crack open a cold one with me, because as far as I can tell (or atleast remember) it's been about 5 years since I made this Newgrounds and started as Arzonaut. Kinda wish I started sooner, but who doesn't. Anyways, I thought I'd give an update on things going on my end and what I have planned.
As of right now I want to get started on my next cartoon, I want to start working on more cartoons more frequently. Being a part of two Newgrounds Collabs is great and I never thought I'd be a part of something like that, but I really gotta start putting out stuff on my own. I don't want a repeat of last year of starting projects only to drop them. I'm not setting any dates or anything, but expect more animation stuff from me as opposed to just illustrations. I like drawing stuff, but the more I see it I've been doing that as a priority of 5 years and it just doesn't get my attention as much, mainly because I have stories I want to tell and that's always been more my field.
Btw thanks for for getting me to 1 thousand views on youtube! I knew youtube is a trash shoot for animators. But hey, mile stones. For those who haven't seen it yet
(Yea, don't expect disc 2 btw. Too hot for youtube)
I can't say it enough, but thanks everyone who helped me make my weird fetish cartoon a reality :)
I don't want to stop making lewds though, so hopefully I can strike a balance between making cartoons and maybe making animated loops? I'm still working out the kinks of it all, but hopefully by 2021 it'll play out according to plan.
That's about it from me, Thanks for all the support up until now, here's to 5 more